Our Cutting-Edge Imaging Technology Maximizes Efficiency To Transform the Patient Experience

At San Cristóbal Cancer Institute we’ve seen firsthand that a better workflow leads to more satisfied patients and strengthens our relationships with our partnering physicians. Shorter lead times, more streamlined processes and faster procedures have all been pivotal for many fruitful treatment procedures, as we continue to transform the lives of cancer patients in Ponce and beyond. Such has been the case with our state-of-the-art radiotherapy equipment, as well as our latest-generation PET/CT technologyAt San Cristóbal Cancer Institute we have made substantial investments in the fields of technology innovation and procedural design to streamline our day-to-day work, giving us more time to focus on our patients.


“New efficiencies do more than free up staff time and reduce costs. They are seen and felt by patients who have a simpler, faster, more positive experience at our facility,” explains Dr. Miguel Serpa, Director of Nuclear Medicine at San Cristóbal Cancer Institute. 


For example, to address the growing demand for CT exams for lung, head and neck cancers, we’ve acquired the Biograph Horizon, a latest-generation PET/CT Scan equipment that sets a high bar in diagnostic imaging. Our advanced PET/CT technology allows us to catch smaller lesions, and its high image quality supports early identification of distant metastasis, leading to a more accurate disease staging. These factors can help physicians determine an effective treatment strategy, reducing costs and patient side effects related to ineffective therapies.

Moreover, our equipment can be used as a shared service to support CT overflow, reduce patient wait times and enable scheduling flexibility. To increase productivity and time spent with patients, our PET/CT Scan equipment simplifies the staff’s daily routine by automating manual tasks and offering protocol-based exams. For instance, SCCI staff can run quality control procedures overnight, scans can be performed in as fast as 5 minutes, and reconstruction runs alongside acquisition for image delivery just 30 seconds after the scan. Patients can receive prompt and effective treatment without long waits.

Configured specifically for our PET/CT Scan equipment, its advanced molecular imaging workplace is extremely cost-effective and can expand to fit a variety of clinical needs. We are proud to feature automated tools to instantly visualize diagnostic information, measure with confidence and report more comprehensively. Our systems automate prefetching, preprocessing, and display and comparison of previous findings for up to 45% faster processing. 


Referring Physicians: Are you ready to give your patients an unprecedented experience? Join our powerful health network using our innovative Online Patient Referral Program or contact our attentive staff today to learn more about how we are transforming the patient experience.